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How do ReBiotika Drops help?
ReBiotika Drops support digestion and enhance nutrient absorption. By restoring microbiome balance, they:
- Reduce digestive fatigue
- Improve fibre digestion
- Normalise bowel movements
- Alleviate bloating and cramps
Restoring healthy digestion also promotes the body's natural regeneration, leading to:
- Increased energy levels
- Improved attention, concentration, and stress tolerance
- More restful sleep
What makes Rebiotika Drops so unique?
ReBiotika Drops are crafted using a unique recipe and production process, making them truly one of a kind.
Those who experience positive effects within a short time may describe the drops as revolutionary. However, there is no miracle behind their effectiveness—just the power of restored healthy digestion. By supporting gut balance, the drops help activate the body's natural regeneration processes, leading to overall well-being.
What is the correct dosage of ReBiotika drops?
In general, it is recommended to take
- 5 to 15 drops
- in the morning on an empty stomach
- and in the evening after dinner
- in 100-200 ml of water
5 or 15 drops?
Let your senses decide. Add 5 drops to water and take a sniff. If you detect the characteristic herbal aroma or notice a change in taste, then 5 drops is sufficient.
Can I overdose on ReBiotika Drops?
No, you cannot overdose on ReBiotika Drops. Even at a significantly higher dose, no harmful effects are expected—though no additional benefits either.
Consistency is key: with daily use, you support your body’s long-term regeneration.
How long does the internal regeneration take?
The speed of recovery depends on the type and severity of the disorder. Minor digestive issues can often be resolved relatively quickly, while long-term problems may take several months to improve as digestive balance is gradually restored.
What are the main ingredients/active ingredients of ReBiotika Drops?
A carefully selected blend of simple herbs, produced through fermentation.
- Live bacterial count: 4–5 × 10⁶ CFU
- Herbal blend extract content: 70 mg per 10 drops
How and why are ReBiotika Drops effective?
The active ingredients support digestion by restoring a healthy gut flora, ensuring the body conserves energy and rests more effectively. This allows natural regeneration processes to begin, with properly absorbed nutrients providing the necessary energy and building blocks.
How does a healthy gut microbiome develop?
Several physiological factors are essential for the formation of a healthy gut microbiome:
- Foetal development: Microorganisms in the amniotic fluid help prepare the digestive system for independent function and the breakdown of breast milk.
- Natural exposure at birth: During vaginal birth, the newborn comes into contact with the mother’s vaginal and rectal microbiome, which helps establish gut flora. Babies born via caesarean section miss out on this natural exposure and take up to six months to partially compensate for it, as supported by numerous studies.
- Breastfeeding: Breast milk is the most complete food, containing special oligosaccharides, prebiotics, and beneficial bacteria that aid digestion. Recent research highlights its role as a natural “super-antibiotic.” Breastfeeding in the first six months is crucial, and many studies explore its long-term impact on health compared to formula feeding.
- Early exposure to diverse microbes: In the first seven years of life, children instinctively put objects in their mouths, encountering various microorganisms. This exposure trains the immune system to recognise and regulate microbial populations while allowing beneficial microbes to colonise the gut. A diverse gut flora ensures efficient nutrient absorption and toxin elimination later in life.
- Balanced diet and daily rhythm: The effectiveness of digestion depends on a well-functioning digestive system with proper blood flow. Stress reduces blood supply to digestive organs, slowing or even halting digestion. At night, the body focuses on recovery rather than digestion, so eating too late or going to bed on a full stomach can impair sleep quality. Ideally, meals should be followed by a period of relaxation rather than immediate activity or sleep.
Why and how should ReBiotika Starter Capsules be used?
In general, we recommend taking ReBiotika Starter Capsules for the first week alongside regular use of ReBiotika Drops. The capsules act as ‘nutrient-rich soil’ to help restore the diversity and balance of the microbiome.
We recommend using them:
- at the start of taking the drops,
- when making a fresh start,
- during seasonal changes,
- or in times of increased digestive strain (such as stress, antibiotic treatment, or excessive consumption of preservatives).
Our goal with the Starter Capsules is to support the regulation of the gut microbiome, which can later be maintained through a healthy, balanced diet.
Do you have any further questions? Please write to us!